Clinical Study Days (Workshops) for APC Clinical Exam Preparation

AAPTA facilitates and delivers clinical study days (full-day workshops) in the fields of Cardio-respiratory, Musculoskeletal & Neurological Physiotherapy for members preparing for APC clinical exams.


  • AAPTA study days have been running since 2008.
  • Study days are designed to develop/enhance clinical skills relevant for practising entry-level Physiotherapy in Australia.
  • Most suitable for members preparing for APC clinical exams;
  • Facilitated by highly skilled mentors with significant experience in their clinical area.
  • The sessions incorporate lectures, practical sessions and case scenario discussions. Participants will have an opportunity to review equipment, practice assessment and treatment skills, receive feedback on the clinical skills practised and clarify any questions.
  • Participants are provided with a pre-reading material and course material covered during the session.
  • Morning/Afternoon tea (light refreshments) are included.
  • AAPTA usually runs study days twice a year and/or based on the need and demand for these sessions. For further information simply contact us at or Click here        


Study Days Objectives

Participation in the study days will help the candidates to achieve the following objectives:

  • Develop an insight into the Australian physiotherapy practice, clinical assessment and management of a variety of clinical conditions.
  • Develop an understanding of the performance domains relevant to APC clinical exams along with examples of performance suitable to the Australian healthcare context. 
  • Review of anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms and diagnostic tools relevant to the topics/conditions discussed in the study days.
  • Develop a framework useful for providing a hypothesis based on the clinical notes (patient history).
  • Understand and apply an assessment framework relevant to the condition being treated and relevant to the patient needs and goals.
  • Develop a problem list and treatment plan in line with the patient's current functional status, clinical condition and patients wishes/values and goals. 
  • Develop and implement evidence-based Physiotherapy interventions applicable to the clinical condition and its stage of recovery (i.e. acute/rehab/community)
  • Understand and apply various patient handling skills including appropriate and effective patient transfer skills utilising environment, aids and equipment in a correct and safe manner. 
  • Understand the various clinical outcome measures (valid and reliable) available to use and apply the measures that are suitable for the clinical scenario for measuring the effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Understand the role of MDT in discharge planning, organise appropriate referrals, create links with community networks and learn to teach health promotion strategies to the patient. 
  • Understand the importance of effective communication strategies suitable to patients with culturally diverse backgrounds and apply. 
  • Develop strategies for managing time independently in the exam.
  • Be guided to the relevant resources useful for your exam and beyond.